July 2019: Nikki’s quantitative PF-OCE paper accepted in Optics Express!
This paper helps establish PF-OCE as a viable tool for quantitative mechanical microscopy.
June 2019: Welcome to our new postdoc Justin Luo
Justin completed his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering all from the University of California, Irvine. Advised by Prof. Vasan Venugopalan and Prof. Elliot Botvinick, Justin developed an optical platform for high-throughput investigation and screening of cellular mechanotransduction initiated by laser-induced cavitation. His current research is focused on new implementations of optical coherence microscopy to monitor the collective behavior of cells in response to dynamically modulated mechanical perturbation.
May 2019: Prof. Adie tenured!
May 2019: Meiqi passes her A-exam!
May 2019 (BME Commencement): Nikki wins TA award & Colin graduates!
March 2019: Jeff’s TF-OCM paper published in Scientific Reports!
In this paper we demonstrate quantitative TF-OCM for reconstruction of 3D cell forces with minute-scale temporal resolution. Due to the ability of computational OCM to perform large-scale volumetric and label-free imaging in scattering media, TF-OCM may prove advantageous for the study of the force dynamics of large cell collectives in the burgeoning field of mechanobiology.
Nov 2018: Nikki passes her A-exam…congrats!
Oct 2018: Our group’s work mentioned by Inside Science and Cornell Chronicle
Our group’s photonic force optical coherence elastography research, which was inspired by Ashkin’s early work on optical radiation pressure, is mentioned by articles in Inside Science and the Cornell Chronicle reporting on Ashkin’s Nobel Prize.
Sep 2018: Siyang’s aberration-diverse OCT paper selected OCT News Feature of the Week!
This paper builds on our recently-demonstrated ‘hybrid adaptive optics’ approach, to now demonstrate aberration-diverse OCT for ultra-deep, speckle-suppressed, volumetric optical coherence microscopy. For more details, see our OCT News Feature of the Week, or our Biomedical Optics Express paper.